Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 4: Color Blocking

Color Blocking:
Dress: Ross; Cardi: Macy's; Leggings: Forever 21
Wedges: Pulse; Watch:; Accessories: All over =)
This is probably one of my favorite outfits that I own;
because it is unique, fun, bright, and happy!
...I don't take my fashion too seriously, as if you can't already tell. 
I just have fun with it!
So Jess and I went out for another late night adventure. 
We decided to head over to our church to take the pics for today's challenge, it turned out to be a pretty good place for a little photo shoot:

As we were leaving we noticed this little construction site...
 we looked at each other...
hoping the other one was thinking the same thing =) 

And yes, we do know that we are dorks =)

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