Get Creative:
Headband = Men's Tie (thrifted)
Earrings = Wire (DIY)
Necklace = Belt Buckle (thrifted)
Belt on skirt = Men's Clip-on Tie (thrifted)
Bracelets = Belts (thrifted)
Rings = Sheet Music
Anklet = Belt (thrifted)
I was in my living room, trying to figure out what to do for the challenge "Get Creative". I glanced over at the piano, and that's when my crazy ideas started cookin!
I made rings out of sheet music,
and bracelets and anklet out of belts:
I took the belt buckle off a belt,
and made it into a necklace:
I took a men's tie and turned it into a headband.
I then took a clip-on tie and clipped it onto my skirt:
My amazing roommate then took wire and
created a treble clef and bass clef,
which I made into earrings.
They didn't show up too well in pics, so I put them on top of
The Phantom to do them more justice:
This challenge really stumped me at first,
but once I got going,
it was a ton of fun letting my creative juices flow!
you are amazing. i am still stunned by how creative everything is. seriously, this is really inspiring.